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Livermore, CA 94550

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(recent short paper July 2024): "Gravity, Vacuum, and Charge Effects on Lunar Regolith and Potential Processing Operations"

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Selected Papers/Presentations & Simulation videos:

ASCE Earth & Space 2016 Conference, Orlando, FL (pdf) "Regolith Extraction, Storage and Transfer Under Micro-Gravity"
Video of cemented sand extraction (mp4)

ASCE Earth & Space 2014 Conference, St Louis, MO (pdf) "Wells for In-Situ Volatile Extraction from Regolith"

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Conference SciTech2014, National Harbor, MD (pdf) "Flexible Mechanical Conveying of Regolith Under Micro-Gravity"

Poster Presentation from 2013 Lunar Science Forum (virtual workshop) describing the simulations in the following videos (pdf) "Micro Gravity Screw Conveying: Robust and Efficient. Is This Possible?"

Vertical Screw Conveyor "Simulation of vertical 0.75in dia screw conveyor, "

"Sliced image of vertical 0.75in dia screw conveyor, "

Grainflow Dynamics "Simulation of cohesive powder flow in a rotating drum, " 200 micron particles each particle represented as a small clusters of 8 smaller (100-micron) spheres in a cubical geometry. Cohesive pull-off force set to ~1% of theoretical van der Waals force for 200mJ/m^2 surface energy. Periodic boundaries along axis. Colors are for visualization convenience only. (July 2008). [click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~14Mb)]

Grainflow Dynamics "Simulation of cohesive powder flow in a rotating drum under Lunar gravity conditions, " (July 2008). [click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~14Mb)]

Grainflow Dynamics "Simulation of weak powder flow in a rotating drum, " 200 micron particles each particle represented as a small clusters of 8 smaller (100-micron) spheres in a cubical geometry. Weak pull-off force set to ~0.1% of theoretical van der Waals force for 200mJ/m^2 surface energy. Periodic boundaries along axis. Colors are for visualization convenience only. (July 2008). [click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~14Mb)]

Grainflow Dynamics "Simulation of weakly-cohesive powder flow in a rotating drum under Lunar gravity conditions, " (July 2008). [click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~14Mb)]

Grainflow Dynamics "Simulation of very cohesive powder flow in co-axial rotating drums, " 600 micron particles each particle represented as a small clusters of 8 smaller (300-micron) spheres in a cubical geometry. Cohesive pull-off force set to 25e-6N, approximately equal to theoretical van der Waals force for 18mJ/m^2 surface energy. Periodic boundaries along axis. Colors are for visualization convenience only. (April 2009). [click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~20Mb)]

Other Selected Publications:

"Review of Adhesion Fundamentals for Micron-Scale Particles (pdf)" OR Walton, KONA Powder and Particle Journal No.26, 129-141(2008)

Walton, O.R., C.P. De Moor, and K.S. Gill "Effects of gravity on cohesive behavior of fine powders: implications for processing Lunar regolith," Preprint: Granular Matter (to appear 2007) [click on title or figure above to download pdf (~930Kb)]

“Adhesion of Lunar Dust (pdf)” OR Walton (2007) NASA Report CR-2007-214685

Walton, O.R. "Dust-Off 2005 a.k.a. 'Dunes Bury' USA," Grainflow Dynamics informal report, NASA contract NNM05AA88C, Oct 2005. [click on title or figure above to download pdf (~650Kb)]

Walton, Otis R., "Potential discrete element simulation applications ranging from airborne fines to pellet beds," SAE 2004 Transactions J. Aerospace paper 2004-01-2329 [click on title or any figure above to download pdf (~413Kb)]

"Effects of Interparticle Friction and Particle Shape on Dynamic Angles of Repose via Particle-Dynamics Simulation, (pdf)" OR Walton, Workshop on Mechanics & Stat. Phys. of Particulate Mat'l, (1994) La Jolla, CA

Walton, O.R., and R.L. Braun, "Simulation of Rotary-Drum and Repose Tests for Frictional Spheres and Rigid Sphere Clusters," Joint DOE/NSF Workshop on Flow of Particulates and Fluids Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 1993, Ithaca, NY [click on title or figure above to download pdf (~4Mb)]

Walton, O.R., "Numerical simulation of inclined chute flows of monodisperse, inelastic, frictional spheres," Mechanics of Materials 16 (1993) 239-247. [click on title or figure above for pdf (~600Kb)]

Walton, O.R. "Chapter 25: Numerical Simulation of Inelastic Frictional Particle-Particle-Interactions," Particulate Two-Phase Flow M.C. Roco, ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993, Stoneham, MA [click on title or figure above to download pdf (~5.4Mb)]

[click on figure above for large mpg file (~90MB) of simulation from NEPTIS-1 of small spheres flowing through an fcc array of large spheres] or on .avi or .mov symbol below for other formats of same video.



Walton, O.R., "Simulation of Gravity Flow and Packing of Spheres," Nisshin Eng. Powder Tech. Int'l Seminar (NEPTIS-1) Osaka, Japan (1993). [click on title or figure above for pdf (~7.4Mb)]

Walton, O.R., D.M. Maddix, T.R. Butkovich, and F.E. Heuze "Redirection of Dynamic Compressive Waves in Materials with Nearly Orthogonal and Random Joint Sets," AMD Vol. 117 p65-73, Recent Advances in Mechanics of Structured Continua M. Massoudi and K.R. Rajagopal, ed., ASME, 1991 [click on title or figure above to download pdf (~660Kb)]